What are HS (Commodity) Codes?
HS (Harmonised System) Codes, also known as Commodity Codes, is a system of digits to identify products so your goods can be classified so customs in the receiving country can charge the correct fees and taxes. Every consignment transported between the UK and the EU will require a customs declaration form and each item will need an HS (or Commodity) Code.
You can find the codes via the Government Trade Tariff tool and some couriers will have their own version but the codes will be the same. If you can’t find an exact match then get as close as you can by selecting one that's the most relevant.
You can find the codes via the Government Trade Tariff tool and some couriers will have their own version but the codes will be the same. If you can’t find an exact match then get as close as you can by selecting one that's the most relevant.